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Cale'anon tries to make everyone feel better. Richard doesn't help.


The North


Cale'anon What do you mean you're leaving?
Tah'vraay The battle here was lost.
We're going home.
I promised to return the Sons of Exile.
That's what I'll do.
Cale'anon What about the North?
Tah'vraay It's done.
Richard (to Bunny) Where have you been?
Richard cuddles with the bunny.
Cale'anon They can't all be dead, Benny.
I won't believe it.
We'll track the Legion.
Where ever they're going,
we can assume it's after our friends.
But first,
We'll ensure that all of the fallen Bloodrage get their proper due.
Richard Who wouldn't want their remains to serve as my throne?
The others look at Richard, disgusted by the throne he has made from the bones of fallen Bloodrage.
Richard Heh.
Throne of bones.
Bone throne.
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